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Sharon Stone to receive ‘Peace Summit Award’ in Warsaw

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 18.10.2013 09:30
Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev and Sharon Stone will be in Warsaw, Monday, for the Nobel Peace Laureates Summit, marking the 30th anniversary of Lech Walesa being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sharon Stone: photo - nobelforpeace-summits.org

Under the slogan "Solidarity for peace - time to act," this is the first time the annual, three-day get together of previous winners of the peace prize has taken place in the Polish capital.

Special guest this year is Sharon Stone, who will receive the Peace Summit Award for “activities that brought solidarity and new hope to millions of people who have fought and are fighting against HIV/AIDS”, says the summit web site.

The summit will begin on Monday at the Palace of Culture and Science and the first session will be attended by Mikhail Gorbachev (who won the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize), 1993 winner and former prime minister of South Africa Frederik Willem de Klerk and Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi, who won the 2003 prize, among others. (pg)

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