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Polish FM discusses bilateral relations with Montenegro Ambassador

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 08.02.2016 16:39
Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski on Monday met with Montenegrin ambassador to Poland, Ramiz Bašic, to discuss bilateral relations.
Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski (R) and Montenegrin ambassador Ramiz Bašic (L) on Monday. Photo: MSZ Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski (R) and Montenegrin ambassador Ramiz Bašic (L) on Monday. Photo: MSZ

The meeting also touched upon the possible accession of the Balkan country to NATO and the European Union.

Minister Waszczykowski said that he has always supported the “Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Montenegro”, according to a press statement released by the Ministry.

Waszczykowski also expressed hope that “NATO membership will contribute to strengthening the security level of Montenegro and the whole region”.

Montenegro was issued a formal invitation to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in December 2015, however Russia has called the country’s government to call a referendum on the issue.

The membership could be finalised at the Warsaw NATO summit later this year, and would be the first expansion of the Organisation in Eastern Europe since Croatia and Albania became members in 2009.

Montenegro was part of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It gained independence in 2006. (rg)

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