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Composer Kilar turns 80

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 16.07.2012 12:47
President Bronisław Komorowski has joined Polish musicians and artists in conveying birthday wishes to the world-renowned composer Wojciech Kilar, who turns eighty on Tuesday.

In a letter to Kilar, Mr Komorowski thanked him for his creative output and for promoting Poland round the world with his music. The President wished the composer continuing popularity, creative inspiration and energy as well as “both spiritual and physical strength – to the joy of music lovers in Poland, Europe and the world.”

Earlier this year, on Poland’s Constitution Day (3 May) President Komorowski honoured Wojciech Kilar with the Order of the White Eagle, the highest Polish state distinction, “in recognition of his distinguished services for Polish culture and outstanding creative achievements.” His honours also include the ‘Per artem ad Deum’ (Through art to God) medal from the Papal Council for Culture.

Kilar’s 80th birthday is marked by a wide range of concerts and special events. Over the weekend, the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, where Kilar has lived since 1948, staged ‘Kilar’s Night’, a marathon of his most popular works, including film soundtracks.

The composer is currently penning an orchestral work based on Psalm 136 (Give thanks to God, for His loving kindness is everlasting).

In the early years of his career, Kilar was recognised as a co-founder of Polish avant-garde music. In the 1970s he began to use a simplified musical idiom, turning to tradition and looking for inspiration in folk music and religion.

In many works Kilar attempted to revive a national style in Polish music. The folk music of the Tatras and the Tatra foothills inspired the composer in such works as Kościelec 1909, Grey Mist, Orawa and, first and foremost, Krzesany, his most popular orchestral piece, performed with success all over the world.

Kilar’s popular pieces also include Exodus, Bogurodzica (Mother of God), Angelus, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra and Missa pro pace.

Wojciech Kilar has also written soundtracks to over 130 films. He has collaborated with many prominent Polish directors including Roman Polański, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Andrzej Wajda and Krzysztof Zanussi, as well as with such famous foreign directors as Francis Ford Coppola (Bram Stoker’s Dracula) and Jane Campion (The Portrait of a Lady). (mk/jb)

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