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Kapuscinski film explores 'truth of war'

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 19.08.2013 13:03
Work is under way on a predominantly animated film about the late Polish writer and journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski.

Image: Platige Film

Another Day of Life, which is based on Kapuscinski's 1976 book of the same title, focuses on a three-month period in the Angolan Civil War, a conflict which began in 1975.

The film, which is being co-produced by studios from Poland, Spain, Germany and Belgium, will have some elements of documentary, shot with actors, but 80 percent of the work will be 3D animation.

Producers Jaroslaw Sawko and Ole Ostergaard have declared in a joint statement that “we will tell a fascinating story in which Kapuscinski risks his life, in order to realise an almost suicidal mission.

“It will be a story about a man searching for the truth about war.”

Co-directors Raul de la Fuente and Damian Newow (the latter behind award-winning Polish animation City of Ruins and Oscar-nominated animation Paths of Hate) are aiming to hold the premiere of Another Day of Life in early 2015.

Kapuscinski died in 2007, and his literary reputation recently came under the miscroscope with an award-winning 2010 biography published by Polish journalist Artur Domoslawski.

Domoslawski claimed that like other esteemed travel writers such as Bruce Chatwin, Kapuscinski had used a considerable of poetic licence in his books, fabricating numerous encounters. (nh)

Source: culture.pl

tags: Kapusciński
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