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Polish National Ballet marks jubilee

PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk 26.04.2019 07:30
The Polish National Ballet celebrated a landmark 10th anniversary with a jubilee gala on Thursday.
Image: DarkWorkX/ pixabay.com/Pixabay License

The ballet of the Warsaw-based Wielki Theatre-National Opera was elevated to the rank of the Polish National Ballet in 2009.

The troupe originates from the first ballet company in Poland, the National Dancers of His Royal Majesty, founded in 1785 by King Stanisław August.

The director of the Polish National Ballet, Krzysztof Pastor, said the recipe for success was hard work.

He added: "We often say that perfection in dance is just a theory. What’s important is constant striving, the improvement of both dancers and choreographers."


Source: PAP

tags: ballet
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