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Culture Ministry to increase Jewish museum funding

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 20.09.2011 07:55
The Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw will receive a fourfold increase in subsidies from the Culture Ministry and the city authorities in 2012.


Funding for the museum, currently being built in the Polish capital, next year is to reach up to 10 million zloty (over 2 million euro).

“The museum is to receive around 4 to 5 million zloty from both institutions ,” said Culture Minister Bogdan Zdrojewski at a press conference held at the construction site earlier today.

The museum is to be a cutting-edge multimedia educational center, showcasing the history and culture of Jews inhabiting Poland for almost a millennium.

The total construction cost is to reach around 200 million zloty. The displays, designed by the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland, is estimated at a half of the sum.

The construction of the museum, covering an area of over 12,000 square meters, is to be completed within 19 months. Once finished it will be one of Poland's flagship facilities, said Bogdan Zdrojewski.

“It is very important to me that undertakings of this kind add to the prestige of Poland,” he said.

“The visit of President Barack Obama [in May this year] to this site attests to the importance of the place and the amount of attention the museum is sure to enjoy,” added Zdrojewski.

Construction work, now proceeding according to schedule, is set to finish by the end of the first quarter of 2012, Warsaw Mayor Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz has asserted. (ab/pg)

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