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Poland's OFF Festival wins European award

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 13.01.2012 10:17
Poland's OFF Festival has won the prize for the best medium-sized event at the 3rd European Festival Awards.


The award ceremony took place in Groningen, Holland, on Wednesday night.

“We're delighted that our efforts have been appreciated,” said Jaroslaw Szubrycht, co-organiser of the festival, in an interview with the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

“We didn't expect such an honour,” he said, “particularly as the competition was so strong in this section.”

The OFF alternative music festival was launched in 2006 by Artur Rojek, frontman of Polish rock band Myslovitz.

The four-day event is held in the southern Polish city of Katowice.

Last year's many guests included Primal Scream, Mogwai and Public Image Ltd.

The next edition of the festival begins on 3 August.

Guests are as of yet unconfirmed, but Jaroslaw Szubrycht told PAP that the prize had given the organisers an extra incentive to put on a good show. (nh)

tags: music
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