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Government grants subsidy for bypass

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 23.05.2012 15:09
The Ministry of Finance has granted the south eastern city of Przemysl 15.3 million zloty (3.5 million euro) towards the ongoing construction of a ring road.


“The grant will allow for the efficient covering of previously unforeseen expenses associated with the construction of the bypass, such as the illumination of a bridge that is being constructed,” commented city mayor Robert Choma in an interview with Polish Radio.

“It will also help to reduce the budget deficit,” he added.

The Polish government's grant brings the overall investment in the bypass scheme to 250 million zloty (57.2 million euro).

Przemysl has already secured the bulk of the funding from the EU's Development of Eastern Poland programme, with Krakow-based construction company Mota-Engil Central Europe acting as the main contractor for the project.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk pledged last week that the wave of investment set in motion to accompany the Euro 2012 football tournament will not be a flash in the pan.

“What we have started and not finished, we will carry out now with even greater conviction, so that we have the feeling that Euro 2012 is not just a football fans' event that will be history after twenty days, but that this is a great turning point in our civilization,” he said. (nh)

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