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Agricultural land quadruples value since 2004

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 20.08.2013 10:48
Statistics have revealed that agricultural land in Poland has quadrupled in value over the last nine years.

Photo: Glowimages

According to figures collated by Lions Bank, annual profits on an investment in agricultural land since 2004 can be as much as 20 percent per year.

“In spite of the crisis, this market has not seen any significant adjustment over the last nine years,” said Lions Bank analyst Bartosz Turek, in an interview with Polish Radio.

“Over the last 12 months, the value of agricultural land has gone up by almost 15 percent,” he said.

Nevertheless, the biggest increases in value have occurred in plots that are least suitable for farming itself.

“This is a result of the fact that such land is easier to convert into a building plot,” Turek noted. (nh)

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