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Smartphones set to dominate Polish market?

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 26.11.2013 13:45
Sales of conventional mobile phones are still outstripping smartphones in Poland but a new report indicates that the tables will turn in 2014.

Photo: Glowimages

According to the so-called Mobility Market report by Ericsson Consumer Lab, about 18 percent of Polish mobile phone-users will buy their first smartphone in 2014.

Likewise, about half of those that already have smartphones will upgrade their current model next year.

“People have realized that having a smartphone is not just a fad,”claimed Jerzy Labuda from Samsung Poland, in an interview with the Rzeczpospolita daily.

“They have seen the possibilities offered by this type of device.”

It is estimated that about 30 percent of Polish mobile phone owners currently have smartphones.

However, in parts of Western Europe and Asia, ownership of smartphones has reached the level of 70 percent. (nh)

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