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Smartphones conquering Polish market

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 09.06.2014 10:01
A new report compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers forecasts that the number of smartphones in Poland will swell to 27 million this year.

Photo: sxc.hu

The rise from 22 million in 2013 would mean that smartphones would account for 47.9 percent of all mobile phones in Poland, as opposed to 39.7 percent last year.

Meanwhile, PwC estimates that by the end of 2018, there will be 44 million smartphones in Poland, representing 74 percent of all mobile phones in the country.

PwC has also forecast that 4 million tablets will be in operation in Poland by the end of 2014, attaining a 9.7 percent share of the market, compared with 6 percent in 2013.

By the close of 2018, the number of tablets is expected to have reached 12 million, amounting to 30.7 percent share of the market. (nh)

Source: Rzeczpospolita

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