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Painful measures for Greek economy as EC releases budget draft

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 29.06.2011 15:20
  • Painful measures for Greek economy as EC releases budget draft - 29.06.2011
With the Greek government expected to vote on tough austerity measures today amid social unrest, the European Commission is also to release the first draft of the EU’s long-term budget for the years 2014-2020.

Riot police and protestors come to face to face outside the Greek parliament in Athens, 28.06.2011. Photo: PAP/EPA/Pantelis Saitas

But how much will the Greek crisis pinch the coffers of other member states? And what will Warsaw’s role be during the upcoming EU Council presidency in debating the budget?, asks John Beauchamp.

The document has already proved controversial for a number of countries in the 27-nation bloc, especially the UK, which is up in arms about a proposed 12 percent hike in its donations to the EU coffers, a move called ‘outrageous’ by a source in Britain’s treasury, media has reported.

While Warsaw will not be making any final decisions as to the budget, Poland’s presidency may be given the chance to negotiate not just the amount of money that will be allocated to each country and sector, but also to form a new budgetary procedure, which has changed due to the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty, the so-called new ‘European constitution’. (pg)

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