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Kabanos sausage gets EU regional specialty mark of approval

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 20.10.2011 07:30
Kabanos, Poland's thin, smoked sausage, has been placed by the European Commission on the list of regional specialities in the EU.


The sausage was given the Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) certificate following Germany dropping its protest, which argued that the kabanos sausage is such a common product in many nations in the EU that it cannot be termed as simply a traditional Polish product.

However the Traditional Speciality Guaranteed sign on products does not limit the region of production, but is limited to determining its recipe and contents.

Therefore Germany, like any other country in the EU, will be allowed to produce the thin sausage, though only Poland can place the EU logo on the packages.

Poland has already registered 30 such traditional products, though the lead in this race is granted to Italy which has over 230 regional specialities registered by the EU. (ab/pg)

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