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'EU budget' competition launched in Polish schools

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 09.11.2011 09:33
The European Commission has launched a competition aimed at raising awareness about the EU budget among Polish secondary school pupils.
Януш Левандовський, комісар ЄС до справ бюджету Януш Левандовський, комісар ЄС до справ бюджету

Janusz Lewandowski

The competition, under the patronage of EU Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski and officials taking part in the "Back to School" event in Poland, offers trips to Brussels for the winners with their coordinating teachers to attend an awards ceremony in Brussels in May 2012.

Participants are invited to choose questions, answered through a 1000 essay in either English, French or German, such as “how their community has benefited from the EU budget”.

Closing date for the competition is 31 January next year.

The 27 nation bloc is currently debating the size of the EU budget for the years 2014 0 2020, with countries such as UK arguing for a reduction in money spent, while Poland and other poorer countries are pressing to retain funds spent on structural and other projects. (pg)

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