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Smartphone market booming in Poland

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 05.04.2012 12:22
Between 6 and 7 million Poles now own smartphones, according to new research, with half of that number being purchased in the last year.


The survey “Generation Mobile 2012” by research company Polskie Badania Internetu (PBI), finds that 47 percent of smartphone users have owned the gadgets for less than 12 months.

In 2008, smartphones accounted for only 3 percent of the Polish mobile phone market, a level that had risen to 13 percent by the end of 2010, and which is expected to reach 41 percent by the close of 2012.

Meanwhile, the PBI research indicates that many smartphone users struggle to leave the gadgets alone, no matter what other activity they are involved in at the time.

Some 82 percent affirmed that it is harder to part with the touch screen gadgets than with normal mobile phones.

Similarly, over half of those surveyed admitted they use their smartphones during family dinners; 43 percent acknowledged that they use them while in the bathroom and some 18 percent admitted to doing so in the cinema: 5.4 percent confessed to using them in church.

A further 3 percent owned up that even during sex, they can't leave the gadgets alone.
Nevertheless, although smartphones caught on fairly quickly in Poland, tablet computers - which were not covered in the PBI survey - are still something of an exotic product for most Poles.

Analysts estimate that only by the close of 2012 will sales of tablets cross the 170,000 mark.

However, low-price supermarket chain Biedronka is making a bid to enter the market for tablet computers this month.

The cut-price foodstore will be offering a basic model for the modest price of 379 zloty (91 euro), as of 5 April. (nh/pg)

tags: telecoms
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