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Komorowski greets Obama at Presidential Palace

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 28.05.2011 11:10
President Bronislaw Komorowski officially greeted his US counterpart Barack Obama at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, Saturday morning, ahead of 45 minutes of talks.

President Komorowski greets President Obama at presidential Palace. Photo - PAP

After national anthems were played and the two heads of state retired into the palace to discuss trade relations, including shale gas, Poland’s role in Afghanistan and NATO and the stationing of F-16s and American troops in Poland.

President Obama arrived in Warsaw yesterday evening as part of a four-nation tour of Europe. The US president attended a working dinner with 20 central and eastern European presidents in the capital for the Central European summit at the Royal Castle.

After a press conference at 11.45 CET on Saturday with President Komorowski, Obama will have a meeting with political party leaders and opposition activists during the communist era.

Later President Obama will have talks with Prime Minister Donald Tusk. (pg)

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