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Paralympians welcomed at Presidential Palace

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 12.09.2012 09:00
President Bronislaw Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk welcomed Polish Paralympic medallists at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday evening.

First Lady Anna Komorowska, between PM Tusk (c) and President Komorowski (r) photo - PAP/Jacek Turczyk

“We feel pride and the greatest admiration for those who fought for medals, and also fought for the idea of the beauty of sport, those who managed to defeat competitors, also overcoming their own weaknesses,” the president said.

“For this beautiful lesson in attitude to life, and not only towards sport, we warmly thank you,” he added.

Meanwhile, Premier Tusk reflected on the tough competition that faces all aspiring sportsmen these days.

“Today, an Olympic or a Paralympic medal tastes even sweeter, because more and more people are endeavour to prove that they can be victors,” he said.

The premier, remembering his own performances in the high jump, also expressed his admiration for Maciej Lepiato's gold medal and world record in the discipline (F46 2.12 m).

Out of the 164 countries competing in London, Poland finished ninth, amassing 36 medals (14 gold. 13 silver and 9 bronze). (nh)

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