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Eurofile :: a westward-bound generation lost to Poland?

PR dla Zagranicy
Alicja Baczyńska 04.09.2012 16:13
  • Eurofile :: a westward-bound generation lost to Poland?

Over 300,000 young people under 14 have left Poland since the country’s EU accession 8 years ago, statistics show. Agnieszka Bielawska spoke to Jacek Kucharczyk, director of the Institute of Public Affairs, about the consequences of such an exodus for the country.

Also in the programme: Polish and Swedish foreign ministers eyeing Georgia, member of the Eastern Partnership programme, ahead of the country's parliamentary ballot in October; an international gathering of pundits and decisionmakers at the Krynica Economic Forum; fifty-eight percent reluctant towards adopting the euro, latest survey shows; Poland demands explanation from EC over cuts in cod fishing quotas.

Presented by Alicja Baczynska

tags: euro, Euro-File
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