Improving the image in Polish football and its fortune on the pitch
PR dla Zagranicy
Veronika Joy
30.10.2012 14:00
Football activists, fans and politicians welcomed the choice hoping the new president will be able to meet the challanges before him.

Newly elected president of the Polish Football Association (PZPN) Zbigniew Boniek wants to improve the image and the financial standing of Polish football.
Football activists, fans and politicians welcomed the choice hoping the new president will be able to meet the challanges before him.
"The Polish Football Association has been having a black PR for the last several years. It has been accumulating and now indeed PZPN is perceived in a very bad light," said former national coach Jerzy Engel commenting following Boniek's election.
"If we can all work on changing that- because it is not only Zbigniew Boniek but the whole football milliue in Poland which are responsible for doing that - this will be the biggest success of the Polish Football Association" said Engel.
A report by Danuta Isler.