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Lutoslawski's 'woven words’ come to Poland

PR dla Zagranicy
Veronika Joy 13.03.2013 14:15
  • A report by Michal Kubicki
London’s Philharmonia Orchestra performs Lutosławski’s music at the Warsaw Philharmonic.
© Philharmonia Orchestra, Radio signal Witold composed for Polish Radio after World War II, including radio signals like this one for the city of Lublin. Photo courtesy of http://woven-words.co.uk/

‘Woven words’ is the English translation of the title of Lutosławski’s composition Paroles tissées. It's also the motto of what is the most spectacular foreign project celebrating the Polish composer’s birth centenary.

Listen to the report, with comments and praise from the orchestra’s Principal Conductor Eka-Pekka Salonen, British musicologist Adrian Thomas and music critic Agata Kwiecińska.

Michal Kubicki reports.

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