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Offside! American Football League kicks off new season

PR dla Zagranicy
Danuta Isler 22.03.2013 21:15
  • OFFSIDE 22.03.2013.mp3
Andrzej Supron, silver medalist in wrestling from the 1980 Moscow Games gave up his medal in protest against the decision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to drop the sport from the 2020 Summer Games.

Thomas Bach and Danuta Isler in Warsaw Foto: Szymon Sikora /PKOl
We'll discuss the future of the sport in an exclusive interview with Thomas Bach, vice president of the IOC.

Also in the program:

- The Polish League of American Football has announced plans for the upcoming season, among them the petition to include the sport in the program of the World Games to be held in Wroclaw in 2017 as well as the start of the junior league.

More info: www.plfa.pl

Offside! is presented by Danuta Isler

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