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News From Poland :: 25.04.2013

PR dla Zagranicy
Danuta Isler 26.04.2013 02:58
  • News From Poland 25 April 2013
Thursday edition of our current affairs magazine

Hosted by Danuta Isler

In this edition of News From Poland:

Former Ukrainian interior minister Yuriy Lutsenko, pardoned by President Yanukovych over two weeks ago, pays a visit to Poland for medical treatment while heads of several EU diplomacies are in Kiev for talks on concluding the association agreement this fall; we will also be talking to the author of the "Doctors of the Dark Side" - a movie showing controversial interrogation methods that were used by the CIA in many black sites - most likely including the one in Poland in Stare Kiejkuty; and in our travel section inspired by the recent celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Jewish Ghetto Uprising in Warsaw, we take you to Tykocin, a small idyllic town in north-eastern Poland, once home to one of the most vibrant Jewish communities in the country.

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