Q&A :: "Clean up the advertising mess!"
PR dla Zagranicy
Alicja Baczyńska
28.08.2013 12:40
Q&A Outdoor Advertising.mp3
The presidential bill on landscapes looks to declutter cities of ever mushrooming outdoor advertising.
Image: sxc.hu
The Miasto Moje a w Nim (My City and What’s There) non-governmental organization in Warsaw has launched a campaign geared at raising awareness among Polish MPs about the problem of proliferating outdoor advertising across the country.
The campaign is run ahead of the upcoming parliamentary deliberations on the presidential landscape bill, which seeks to regulate the display of advertising in public spaces.
The proposed legislation could revolutionize Polish law, as it caters to so far unattended loopholes in the legal system, says head of the organization Aleksandra Stępień.
"We are happy to find [in the bill] stipulations we had been struggling to have enforced for years, for example the legal definition of advertising or the introduction of fees for the commercial use of public spaces," she says.
Q&A is hosted by Alicja Baczyńska.