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China pushing for more Polish food?

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 28.04.2014 15:34
  • China pushing for more Polish food? Sławek Szefs reports.
A group of Chinese businessmen representing the food sector has just visited Warsaw.

Photo - wikipedia

As Slawek Szefs reports, they arrived in the capital with the specific aim of encouraging Polish food producers towards a more active approach in penetrating their market for fresh and profitable opportunities.

Alex Chu, one of the Chinese delegation members observed there is a great potential in cooperation with Polish partners.

"The major reason is that the Chinese today are very concerned about food safety and Polish products are famous for being GMO free and organic. I think these two [qualities] will be good selling points to promote them in China," Alex Chu noted during the meeting at the Agriculture Ministry, Friday.

Indeed, the Chinese market offers golden opportunities for Polish exporters.

"China is known for its growing meat consumption, especially with regard to pork. […] Chinese consumers are increasingly aware of their expectations. This is complimented with an expanding wallet, which enables access to new and more varied dishes,” said Agnieszka Rozanska from the Union of Polish Meat Industry Producers and Employers.

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