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Polish pavilion making waves at EXPO

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 05.06.2015 13:33
  • Polish pavilion making waves at EXPO
The Polish pavilion at EXPO 2015 in Milan has been buzzing with life from its very opening a month ago.
The Polish Pavilion, developed by 2pm Architekci and Platige Image, is the most important element of the polish participation at Expo 2015 in Milan. Photo: expo.gov.plThe Polish Pavilion, developed by 2pm Architekci and Platige Image, is the most important element of the polish participation at Expo 2015 in Milan. Photo: expo.gov.pl

As Sławek Szefs reports, barely a few weeks had been enough to attract more than a hundred thousand visitors from all regions of the world.

“Now we’re examining chances for reaching one million visitors during the entire EXPO fair, that is by the end of October,” Sławomir Majman, the commissioner of the Polish section, told our reporter.

“There is something new taking place each week as we’ve adopted an entirely different formula than at previous World Fairs,” he added.

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