Q&A :: Warsaw and Gomorrah?
PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea
29.07.2015 12:00
Q&A :: Warsaw and Gomorrah?
In the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah God told Abraham that if he could find ten righteous people, He would save the city. Yet Abraham could not meet the request and the city was destroyed.
The Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. Photo: Flickr.com/Paul Weber
“Of course, we have God up there and we have the other weird god called Adolf Hitler,” said Professor Robert Jan Van Pelt from the University of Waterloo in Canada, referring to the many righteous among the nations in Poland in general and Warsaw in particular.
Professor Van Pelt, a world authority on the Holocaust, spoke to Roberto Galea at a recent luncheon held for the Righteous Among the Nations in Warsaw.