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HIGH NOTE :: Łódź Opera's Turandot

PR dla Zagranicy
Elżbieta Krajewska 16.05.2016 21:07
  • HIGH NOTE 16 05 16 TURANDOT.mp3
For the first time on this stage; and what a production!

Teatr Wielki w Łodzi. Photo: Maciej Piąsta

A little too dark maybe, and definitely needing some imperial gold and glitter, with the Emperor looking somewhat like Shen Nung roused from under his tea tree. But the music is astounding... enough to say that the opera is conducted by Antoni Wit. In High Note magazine Maestro Wit, deputy director of the theatre Wojciech Rodek and Polish soprano Agnieszka Kuk, alternating in the part of the Princess, are talking to Elżbieta Krajewska.

"Turandot" in Łódź is directed by Adolf Weltschek with costumes by Małgorzata Zwolińska.

The recordings in the programme feature Krystyna Jamroz, Iwona Sobotka and Tomasz Kuk.

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