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Kitesurfing and wakeboarding in Europe

PR dla Zagranicy
Monika Greszta 25.08.2011 15:00
  • europol_25.08.11.mp3
Following the Polish Wakeboarding and Kitesurfing Championships earlier this month, we take a look at the two water sports which are recently gaining popularity in Poland. We also check whether investing in water sports infrastructure can be profitable, taking Germany, Europe’s wakeboarding mecca, as an example.


Hosted by Monika Greszta

Wakeboarding and kitesurfing are extreme surface water sports that combine different freestyle techniques, such as surfing, windsurfing or snowboarding. Invented in the 1980s and popularized at the turn of the millennium, mainly in the US, both wakeboarding and kitesurfing are relatively new sports practiced mostly by young people looking for extreme fun and adrenaline rush.

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