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A closer view on Poland’s aid mission in Misrata

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 11.11.2011 15:05
  • Doctor Jacek Kopacz from Poland's aid mission to Libya: “It was a hard time for Libyans in Misrata because Colonel Gaddafi’s forces were much more superior in equipment and military training.”
We speak to Jacek Kopacz, a member of a medical team sent to Misrata by Poland's Foreign Ministry as part of the country's humanitarian aid efforts in Libya.

Photo: EPA/Manu Brabo

While Poland may not have taken part in any military actions in Libya over the past months, the country offered huminitarian aid to the war-torn country.

One of the key missions was to send in a team of doctors and nurses to Misrata, one of the most shell-shocked cities on the Libyan coast.

John Beauchamp spoke to Doctor Jacek Kopacz, a leading member of a medical team sent by Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Misrata, one of the cities heaviest hit during the troubles there earlier this year.

“It was a hard time for Libyans in Misrata because Colonel Gaddafi’s forces were much more superior in equipment and military training,” Kopacz told Polish Radio.

Poland’s aid mission to Libya is to last until the end of the year, the Polish Foreign Ministry website has informed. (jb)

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