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Croatia to join EU in times of economic turmoil

PR dla Zagranicy
Monika Greszta 19.01.2012 17:00
  • dbag_19.01.12.mp3
Ahead of the referendum on the EU membership bid in Croatia, we take a look at the country's path from independence to the EU accession and wonder if Croatia's perspectives as a member state will be equally encouraging as those of Poland when it joined the union.


Hosted by Monika Greszta

On 22nd January citizens of Croatia cast their votes in a referendum on the country’s accession to the European Union. The result of the voting is likely to be positive but the society is deeply divided over the issue. The latest opinion poll by CRO Demoscop shows that some fifty-six percent of Croatians would give European Union the thumbs up while more than a third would refuse to back their country's membership bid. Fear of losing hard-won independence and plunging into economic crisis along with Greece or Italy are the most common arguments cited by opponents of Croatia's accession.

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