Cup half full at the EU summit?
PR dla Zagranicy
Anna Bierzańska
31.01.2012 20:00
Cup half full at the EU summit? Report by Slawek Szews
The fiscal pact for tightening financial discipline was signed at EU summit in Brussels.
Прем’єр-міністри Дональд Туск і Віктор Орбан
Amongst tough barganing between nations who belong and who are yet to join the euro zone, a new fiscal pact was signed.
"There were no winners", said Polish PM relating to the comments on who emerged victorious from the summit confrontation. He also pointed out, that a dificult process of ratification of the pact is still to be completed within the member countries before the new regulations can come into force.
Has the Polish interest been secured during the Brussels summit? Slawek Szefs reports on the varying opinions and talks to Jarosław Petz, expert of Warsaw-based Spin.Doc European Consultants.
This report is a part of Euranet project.
Back stage at the Brussels summit: the pressroom. Photo: PAP/EPA/EVERT-JAN DANIELS
Cover: Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (L) and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (R), Photo: PAP/EPA/OLIVIER POLET