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Poland fears ‘domino effect’ would follow eurozone Greek exit

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 16.05.2012 11:22
Poland’s finance minister warns of a possible ‘domino effect’ if Greece's possible exit from the eurozone is “uncontrolled”.

An elderly man walks in front of the old Greek Parliament building in Athens, Greece, 15 May 2012: photo - EPA/ALKIS KONSTANTINIDIS

“The key issue is whether Greece’s exit from the eurozone will be controlled or not, and if we can create mechanisms that will protect other countries in the euro area,” Jacek Rostowski has told the TVN24 television station.

Rostowski, who attended the monthly meeting of EU finance ministers, Tuesday, added that a domino effect in case of an uncontrolled exit from the eurozone by Athens would be dangerous for the Polish currency, because the zloty could “weaken significantly”.

Rostowski’s remarks come after he lectured Greek voters at a press conference in Brussels on Tuesday, saying ““My message to Greek citizens […] is: come to your senses and decide whether you want to take the irreversible step of voting for parties that may prevent Greece remaining in the eurozone.”

Greece will be going to the polls for a second time this year in June after political parties failed to form a coalition.

A failure to form a government that would keep to bailout conditions imposed on Athens by the EU and IMF could lead to Greece’s exit from the eurozone.

Greece’s president Karolos Papoulias has called on parties to form a caretaker government until elections can take place.

Greeks are reportedly withdrawing euros from banks, afraid of a rapid devaluation if the country leaves the eurozone. (pg)

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