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Majority of Poles back in vitro

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 11.09.2012 09:51
A new survey indicates that most Poles are in favour of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), particularly regarding married couples.


According to the poll by Poland's Public Opinion Research Centre (CBOS), some 79 percent of respondents are in favour of the treatment for married couples who are unable to have children naturally.

Currently, there is no law regulating the treatment, although draft legislation has been prepared by various parties.

The level of acceptance for IVF appears to have risen in recent years (2010 survey showed that that 73 percent of respondentswere in favour).

Backing for single women keen to undergo the treatment was less popular, with 48 percent of respondents in support (a rise from 43 percent in 2010).

Those who rejected the treatment outright did so mainly for religious reasons. Of those taking part in religious services several times a week, some 53 percent were opposed to the treatment, including for infertile married couples.

According to the poll, those against the treatment were mainly people over 64 years of age, and members of rural communities (particularly farmers).

Conservative opposition party Law and Justice submitted two draft bills to parliament this year calling for an outright ban on IVF.

However, in July, while still declaring opposition to the treatment, party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski called for round-table talks on the matter, suggesting that he could find some common ground with the more conservative elements of Prime Minister Tusk's centre-right Civic Platform party.

The Civic Platform has been preparing two draft bills, one more conservative under Justice Minister Jaroslaw Gowin, the other more liberal under Malgorzata Kidawa-Blonska, deputy chairman of the Civic Platform party club.

Prime Minister Tusk stated in April that “the key issue is the funding for this procedure.”

According to the current poll, 79 percent of respondents backed an at least partial refund for those undergo the treatment.

The poll was carried out on 1011 adults from across Poland, from 14-22 August. (nh)

tags: in vitro
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