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Poland has 22 million internet-users

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 18.12.2012 11:21
Poland now has 22 million internet-users out of an overall population of 38.2 million.
Photo: sxc.huPhoto: sxc.hu

photo: sxc.hu

Of today's users, it is estimated that close to 70 percent surf the web almost daily, according to the latest research by Net Track.

Some 1 million new users arrived on the net in 2012, although Andrzej Garapich, chairman of Polish Internet Research (PBI), stresses that there is “a clear distinction” between those who use the internet “almost with out interruption” and infrequent users.

“But more importantly, this division no longer runs along the lines of the old versus the young and big cities versus rural areas,” he told the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily.

Most notable in terms of changing internet habits in Poland is the frequency of online shopping.

Some 31 percent of internet-users in Poland now make purchases online every week. In Europe, only the UK (40 percent) and Germany (35 percent) outdo Poland in this respect.

Another trend in growth can be seen in those who now use tablets and smartphones to access the internet.

A year ago, about 10 percent of Polish internet-users could be counted in this category, yet in this the last ten months, the proportion has jumped to 16 percent.

“The future of the internet is touchscreen,” concludes the latest report by PBI. (nh)

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