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Golden autumn grips Poland

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 13.10.2014 09:06
Hikers and cyclists across Poland made the most of the weekend with autumnal hues transforming the countryside.

Lake Solina in the Bieszczady Mountains of south eastern Poland. Photo: PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

A spell of warm weather over much of the country added an extra dash to the so-called zlota jesien (golden autumn).

Meteorologists have noted uncommonly warm weather for October this year, with temperatures reaching as much as 26 °C in recent days in southern Poland.

Lake Solina in the Bieszczady Mountains of south eastern Poland. Photo: PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

Forecasts for the coming week indicate that more good weather is due, with temperatures in much of the country predicted to be as high as 24 °C.

A gradual drop is due after 21 October, when temperatures are not expected to rise over 18 °C.

However, a cold snap has been forecast for the end of the month, with between 4 °C and 9 °C likely on 28 October. (nh)

Source: PAP/TVN Meteo

tags: autumn, weather
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