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Two expeditions to search for lost 'Orzel' WWII submarine

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 31.12.2014 14:30
The Ministry of Culture has pledged to help in the coordinated search for a WWII-era Polish submarine which was lost in 1940.

ORP Orzel: wikipedia

The two search parties – likely to be made up of members of the Polish Navy and the National Maritime Museum in Gdansk – will be coordinated by the culture and defence ministries.

The search will cover large areas of the North Sea, where the submarine is believed to have sunk.

“The start of the expedition depends on several factors, including weather and the availability of research vessels. The exact dates of the programme will be determined in the spring,” the Culture Ministry said in a statement.

The ORP Orzel was commissioned in 1939 and was a major player in the Allied effort to scout the North Sea. Its fate is unknown, but it is widely presumed to have sunk in June 1940. (rg)

Source: Rzecpospolita

tags: orp orzeł
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