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President Komorowski registers candidacy, as poll shows run-off

PR dla Zagranicy
Aleksander Nowacki 13.03.2015 16:53
President Bronisław Komorowski registered his candidacy for a second term with 250,000 signatures of support on Friday, as a poll showed him facing a run-off.
PAP Photo: PAP/Jacek Turczyk

Andrzej Duda, the member of European Parliament running for the conservative opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party, is unlikely to win the presidency, but the latest polls suggest he will force a run-off.

Komorowski is clearly in the lead with 47 percent, which however falls short of the 50 percent plus one vote threshold required to avoid a run-off, polling firm TNS said on Friday. Duda has 17 percent support with no other candidate’s support in double digits.

Komorowski’s support is down five percentage points from February, while Duda registered an identical swing in the opposite direction. (an)

Source: PAP, Rzeczpospolita

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