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Anti-violence convention at centre of presidential campaign

PR dla Zagranicy
Aleksander Nowacki 16.03.2015 08:45
President Bronisław Komorowski moved a step closer to the ratification of the European Council convention against violence on women, sending the issue to the top of the presidential campaign agenda.
Photo: Prezydent.plPhoto: Prezydent.plhttp://www.prezydent.pl

The president is yet to ratify the convention, which meets strong opposition from the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy.

The convention would introduce to the law concepts utterly alien to the Polish culture, tradition and customs, said Andrzej Duda, running for the conservative opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party.

The introduction of the concept of “gender” to Poland will work as a “ticking bomb”, Duda said in an interview for the Catholic Radio Maryja.

His party leader, former prime minister, Jarosław Komorowski, rang into the studio during the interview to praise Duda as a hard-working and effective man of faith.

Over the weekend, Duda unveiled in Warsaw a “Bronisław Komorowski museum of national agreement” to mock the incumbent’s alleged inactivity over his five-year term. The museum will be open until election day.

Meanwhile, far-right member of European Parliament, Janusz Korwin-Mikke launched his presidential campaign, as an even more obscure candidate, Waldemar Deska of the Libertarian Party, withdrew in his favour. (an)

Source: Polskie Radio

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