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Homes-for-rent programme is a priority: Polish PM

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 03.06.2016 15:40
A new programme to provide affordable housing fits in with the government’s priorities to help Polish families, Prime Minister Beata Szydło said on Friday.
Polish PM Beata Szydło. Photo: KPRMPolish PM Beata Szydło. Photo: KPRM

“I am very happy that I can present to you another programme prepared by our Law and Justice government, which is fulfilling its election pledges, but above all this is real support for Polish families, but also for all those who are thinking about starting a family,” Szydło said.

Law and Justice (PiS) won Poland's October general election on a ticket of generous spending promises and social aid.

The most important part of the government's new "Home+" programme is the establishment of a National Housing Fund. Homes will be cheaper to rent and eventually purchase, the prime minister said.

“This is the first comprehensive programme aimed at solving the housing problems of Poles,” Szydło told a press conference on Friday in Warsaw, adding the new developments will be built on land owned by the government.

“These will be apartments which will originally be available for rent, and we plan the cost for rent to be around PLN 10-20 per square metre” a month Szydło said.

The figure is the equivalent of around EUR 2.28-4.56 per metre a month, meaning that a 60-metre apartment will cost as little as EUR 137 to rent.

“We want Poles to save, so that they have the opportunity to accumulate their savings, but that this does not come at the expense of their standard of living,” Szydło said.

“We want [Poles] to have a chance of owning a flat, and to think about a secure future for their families and themselves,” she added. (rg/pk)

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