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Deadly toll of long weekend in Poland

PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk 24.06.2019 16:28
Police said on Monday that 39 people were killed on Polish roads from June 19 to 23 as holidaymakers headed off in droves for a long weekend, encouraged by warm weather.
Photo: Rico_Loeb/pixabay.com/Pixabay License

A total of 519 were injured in 432 accidents. Compared to the same period last year, the death toll fell by four.

There were 102 fewer accidents, and 121 fewer injured, according to Radosław Kobryś from the traffic department of Poland’s police headquarters.

"Nevertheless, these are horrifying statistics,” Kobryś added.

Sunday was the worst day of the long weekend, with 12 people killed and 91 injured.

Meanwhile, 23 drowned in Poland between June 20 and 23, the Government Centre for Security (RCB) said on Monday.


Source: PAP

tags: road safety
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